neal funneal fun

School books always seemed uninteresting to most of us. Just reading or listening to a fact does not have any fun. The most difficult was memorizing and revising those facts. This boring process had really drained us at that time. And it results in closing the books and going to play outside for some relaxation. We hoped that the study part would become as interesting as our fun time, but millennials were not so lucky to experience such things.

But the current era  is fortunate enough to learn while enjoying. There are a lot of ideas which promote fun activities for educating children. Neal Fun is an established name in this genre of platforms which has a command over the process to make learning an interesting experience. Let’s discuss how it’s helping students without making them feel lethargic.

Neal Fun: A Creative educational platform


Neal Fun is a website which engages students to learn with the help of games and activities. It reduces the pressure of learning something from students’ minds and they do not count it as a burden, instead they like to get invested.It helps to boost their imagination capabilities. It’s entertaining as well as informative and becoming a favorite choice of not only students but parents too. It also introduces you to some engaging articles about technology.This visualization adds up to its popularity as this site has been recorded the viewership of more than 14 million times.

Face behind the idea: Neal Agarwal

This innovative idea belongs to a very innovative man who is an independent designer and a developer. He also has created a few more online games which were also viral. This man completed his computer science degree from Virginia tech, US. He states that he developed his interest for softwares when he was a child. Neal Fun totally describes his love for the tech world. 

How to access

There are no complexities to access the website and it does not include any process of making registrations. Here are the very simple steps which can take your children on a fun journey. 

  • Open any browser you are comfortable with.
  • Type Neal Fun to the address bar.
  • Open the official site (most probably available at the top).
  • After reaching the official site you can see a bunch of tabs available with different names.
  • Slide your screen to explore other tabs 
  • Choose and tap the option of your preferred activity
  • Now you can enjoy the process.

Variety of activities:

It includes a big list of games, activities and facts with the target of adding a lot more to this list. here , we will discuss some of them:

  • Wonders of street view: Do you like wandering around some random locations or choosing new paths to reach your destination. That’s what this segment does. It will take you to any random street view through the images at any corner of the country at just one click.  
  • Design the next iphone: Here you can design the phone with given tools. If you think there is a designer inside your children, introduce them to this activity and help them to take the first step towards their innovation.
  • Baby map: This is my personal favorite.Everytime a baby is born in a country, that country’s map gets highlighted. You can get an idea of the population density of different countries. 
  • Space elevator: It explains what is in the sky. You can go upwards into the sky by sliding up your screen and you would notice birds then the aircrafts, satellites, stars, galaxies and also interesting facts are added to improvise your learning.
  • Who was alive: You can enter a year and it will show you which famous people were alive in that can help you to understand the timeline of  the people who distributed something valuable to the world.

These were some of their criterias which included fun learning but the list does not end here there is still a lot more to explore. For your convenience I am adding the name of some more criterias available at the website which is equally popular . Infinite craft, The deep sea, Draw logos from memory, Spend bill gates money, draw a perfect circle, Printing money are some sections which you can notice after opening the website.

Why should you choose Neal Fun?

  • Encourage creativeness: It boosts the creative notion which is already there inside your child but diminishing due to boring study patterns followed by schools and institutions.
  • Explore what you like: Sometimes even the children themselves do not know what their interests are because they have to just cram all the books. But here you do not have the pressure to memorize everything and can learn what you like.
  • Improves knowledge: Keep in touch with the website and you will notice that your factual knowledge is also getting better. There are such activities available which present facts in an entertaining manner.
  • Reduce pressure: If students will learn while having fun it will reduce the pressure. In today’s time where mental health is a great concern, it is important to lighten the pressure from their brain. Engaging them with these activities would be a good idea.

Conclusion: Amusement with Enlightenment

Neal Fun is an amusing experience. Right? Yes it is but in the same manner and amount. It also focuses on increasing your awareness, academic growth, imagination capabilities, creativity skills, world knowledge and your problem solving skills. Relieves your child from the anxiety of learning and creates a positive surrounding for them.

It encourages them to discover their personality, interests and potential and allows them to be experimental with their learning patterns. Not only does this idea make the education interesting but motivates a child to grow more and follow their interests.

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By Kuldeep rawat

I am a passionate writer and a student who is building his career in engineering. Hello everyone! Myself is Kuldeep Rawat and i write in multiple domains such as technology, entertainment, sports, etc.

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